

 天気予報大はずれで晴れたため,RZ Sgeのリベンジ観測を準備していたら,vsnetで板垣さんの新天体情報が流れた.連続測光を止めて,確認観測をした.視野同定にもたついている間に,薄雲が張り始め,二回目の確認撮像の際に途中で雲ってしまった.


Electronic Telegram No. 1562

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams


18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.IAUSUBS at CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)CBAT at CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science)URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html


H. Yamaoka, Kyushu University, reports the discovery by K. Itagaki(Yamagata, Japan) of a variable star on a survey CCD image taken with a0.21-m f/3 reflector around Nov. 6.456 UT. Confirmation CCD images taken onNov. 6.460 UT with a 0.60-m f/5.7 reflector show the variable's magnitudeto be about 13.0 and its position to be R.A. = 21h37m01.84s, Decl. =+7d14'46".2 (equinox 2000.0). The star was fainter than mag 17.0 on hissurvey image taken on 2007 Nov. 4.485, and fainter than mag 14.5 on 2008Oct. 13.587. In the USNO-B1.0 star catalogue, according to Yamaoka, thereis a star with position end figures 01s.82, 46".1 and magnitudes B1 =18.0, R1 = 16.4, B2 = 19.4, R2 = 16.8, I = 17.9; A. Henden, AAVSO notesthat the B1 and R1 magnitudes are from Palomar Sky Survey plates takenin 1953, though the USNO-A-catalogue reductions for these same platesyield mags 17.4 and 17.9, suggesting that all the USNO magnitudes forthis star are suspect. In the GSC-2.3 catalogue, Yamaoka reports that thevariable has magnitudes 18.6-19.6 in the different passbands (which canrepresent plates taken years apart); Henden notes that the GSC-2.2 catalogueand the USNO-B catalogue give red mag 17.9 and 16.8, respectively, forthe variable on apparently the same Palomar Sky Survey plate. In the2MASS catalogue, the variable has magnitudes J = 16.5, H = 15.8, K = 15.3(all measured nearly simultaneously). Yamaoka and Henden both suggestthat the current outburst amplitude of about 5 mag or so suggests thatthis could be a dwarf nova. Responding a request by Yamaoka, A. Miyashita(Seikei High School, Japan) confirmed the variable on CCD images takenaround Nov. 7.37 with a 0.15-m telescope, reporting the followingmagnitudes: Nov. 7.369, I_c = 13.29; 7.371, R_c = 14.03; 7.373, V = 13.55,7.375, B = 13.67.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU rculars.

(C) Copyright 2008 CBAT2008 November 7 (CBET 1562) Daniel W. E. Green

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